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Share peer-to-peer files for free with this app for mobile devices

Share peer-to-peer files for free with this app for mobile devices

Popular programs in Files

What is Zapya - File transfer tool

Zapya is a file-sharing app that was designed for mobile devices. This app uses peer-to-peer sharing, making it a convenient and easy way to transfer a large file over wireless internet connections. Zapya is an ideal app to have if you want to share documents or media within your own home or at the office.

One of the best things about Zapya is that it has an easy-to-use interface that is similar to what you would find in a social media app that offers the file-sharing function. Zapya allows you to customize who you will share the files with by allowing you to select a specified friends group or by searching for friends and family nearby. Once you have done this, you can then select to preview the files with a media player that is built in to the software.

Zapya is an ideal app for those who work at an office or go to a university where people share the same Wi-Fi network. In an office or university setting, this app can serve as an extremely convenient file-sharing tool.


-This app offers a very simple interface that even the most basic user can understand.

-There is no limit on file transfers.

-This app offers user groups that allow you to customize who you will share your files with.

-The app is designed with a built in integral media player.

-No internet connectivity is needed to be able to transfer files.


-The user groups are limited; user groups are limited to a minimum of five members.

-The speed of the file transfer can be affected by the surrounding environment as well as any equipment that may be used.

-Maximum benefits may be limited if a user is located in an area that is poorly set.